Thursday, August 11, 2011

Learn the True Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

Learn the True Characteristics of an Entrepreneur 

When you think about entrepreneur, what do you think of first? Which aspects of entrepreneur are important, which are essential, and which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge. 

How can you put a limit on learning more? The next section may contain that one little bit of wisdom that changes everything. 

Not many individuals have the nerve to take the lead. 
Honest and trustworthy – some say that eighty percent of an entrepreneur's time is dedicated to pooling and attracting customers.Be thankful if you already have the characteristics of an entrepreneur.Not everyone can become an entrepreneur.You're quite lucky if you're a born leader because you only have to develop your other qualities and use them when you choose to become an entrepreneur.Learn the True Characteristics of an Entrepreneur Are you looking for some inside information on entrepreneur?To become a good entrepreneur, you must be a leader.If you too would want to become a businessperson, you have to possess the characteristics of an entrepreneur.Without them, your business will soon fail and you will suffer the losses.According to one definition, an entrepreneur is someone who finances or initiates a certain business undertaking.
As a leader, you should be able to guide, influence, and direct people.You have to maintain your enthusiasm and interest in the business.If you're not a risk taker, then you're not an effective entrepreneur and you're bound to fail in your business undertaking.Smart – being smart is another characteristic of an entrepreneur.In the everyday course of the business, you will encounter a lot of problems and challenges which you need to decide the soonest.You have to be clever, keen, and witty in all your business dealings.This way, you can handle all your business activities with ease and fewer worries.
Some risks are worth taking after careful evaluation especially if it's for the good of the business.The following section should go a long way toward clearing up any uncertainty that may remain.All you need to do now is to study the market carefully, think of a good business venture, and provide for the capital and you're all set.I trust that what you've read so far has been informative.But before anything else, what is an entrepreneur?Inner passion for business – another important characteristic is having the right passion for business.Don't limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about entrepreneur.You have to be honest and trustworthy so that you can develop good will.Well, of course the characteristics are important because if you don’t possess them, you will have lower chances in terms of business success.The characteristics are as follows – Risk taker – this is a very important characteristic of an entrepreneur.The more you know, the easier it will be to focus on what's important.There are other characteristics that an entrepreneur should possess.A leader – leadership is a characteristic that is hard to find among individuals.Some say that this is a born characteristic but if you don’t possess it, you can also learn to become a leader.What are the characteristics of an entrepreneur?If you're not willing to take any risk, then you will not succeed as a businessperson.These are also the keys to business success.As long as you have the right drive and passion, you can run the business for a long time.
You have to show mental alertness and intelligence so that you can win the respect and trust of customers and other clients.Are they really important?Learn the True Characteristics of an Entrepreneur It is said that in order to become a successful individual in whatever endeavor you wish to take, you must have the right attitude and characteristics.This is also true with an entrepreneur.If you want to finance a certain business venture and run the business yourself, you should develop these characteristics.These characteristics help him or her do all the business responsibilities and obligations that need to be done.

Here's an up-to-date report from entrepreneur experts who should know.

There's a lot to understand about entrepreneur. We were able to provide you with some of the facts above, but there is still plenty more to write about in subsequent articles.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Characteristics to be an Effective Entrepreneur

Before a doctor diagnoses a specific disease, his patient must undergo a series of laboratory exams and assessments. He has to know the history of his patient and how lifestyle affected his present health problem. As results come in, that would be an indication of the time when a physician gives specific drugs and therapies for maintenance. This will eventually contribute to the level of optimum health for that individual. If all else fails, the process will be repeated again.

Similar to what the abovementioned situation has stated, an entrepreneur’s responsibility would be pretty much the same. It’s just that, he should see his customers as his patients and what they must have to survive a present predicament or a need. He must follow certain steps before doing anything irrational that could contribute to the downfall of his business. He should have certain characteristics innate in his personality for if he lacks one of these, he’s most probably doomed to fail.

Entrepreneurship is collectively defined as exhibiting one’s vision, taking action, and pursuing that vision as a goal to be achieved in life as service to reality. In the meaningless definition, it’s getting your butt out of that couch and doing something rather than fulfilling your life’s destiny of being a couch potato. Stated below are some of the distinct attitudes an entrepreneur should positively have:

• Optimism – is foreseeing things in a positive way notwithstanding any circumstances that may hinder progress. The assertiveness of an individual depends on his knowledge of how to handle a difficult situation

• Creativity – is thinking outside the box. Expanding one’s mind of what is beyond the ordinary through fine research and collection of data.

• Stability – either physical, mental, social or emotional, a leader must possess a stable life which means he could handle tough situations during tough times

• Charismatic – intelligence of communicating with different walks of life. Who says a charming man is less than an intelligent one? A good entrepreneur must have the certain magic glistening in his eyes and could convey enchanting words to get hold of that convincing power no one dare resist.

• Risk-taker – as someone beginning his own dream, he should be stern and must have the guts and the balls to take the big leap of plunging into his own doom or success. He should not be afraid of taking chances when opportunity strikes.

• Energetic – willing to do whatever it takes to reach to the finish line. His drive must always be at its highest level for being an entrepreneur would make you work overtime. His enthusiasm must prevail the next best thing.

• Time bound – like a written report in a newspaper, an entrepreneur must be on the top of every innovation. By looking at our past, we could predict our future.

Small businesses, in time, would turn out big if the scope of management exceeds what is expected. So it is necessary for a beginner to be positive about his endeavors. He must be very observant of what his environment lacks and needs. He should have sturdy shoulders to put on extra weight of carrying a responsibility that could change his or her life.

One’s greatest failure is sticking with the mentality of being conventional. This would be one of an entrepreneur’s greatest downfalls. Think big. Act. Make your business dreams come true.

Business Ideas for the Entrepreneur

As an entrepreneur, you should investigate further by gathering as much information as possible about the business ideas. True enough, franchise is absolutely a great idea. By choosing this business alternative, you can be the boss of your own business and you can earn unlimited income.

Many individuals nowadays prefer to have a home-based job rather than working eight hours each day in the office. Some people are also into franchising; this may sound good but if you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you don’t have to focus entirely on franchising. You should consider other business ideas that you can venture into.

Research can be carried out with ease these days, thanks to the power of the internet. If you conduct your search online, you can find other business ideas that you can use as an entrepreneur. Beginners will benefit a lot from the information they can find online about business ideas.

Because of the many business ideas you can find online, you will often find it hard to choose the ones you like. It’s easy to choose if you use your instincts. For instance, if one business idea feels right, take note of it but if you have second thoughts about another idea, disregard it.

However, according to experts, franchise and other internet businesses promise the same business opportunities. It will all differ on how you handle the business.

Not all individuals who desire to own a business can achieve this goal. You see, being an entrepreneur is hard. There are a lot of factors to consider before you decide to become an entrepreneur. Even if you have the capital to finance the business undertaking, you can’t be sure that it can give you high profits in the future especially if you don’t know how to handle certain business situations.

First and foremost, you must be able to work alone. Once you’re an entrepreneur, you’re already self-employed. It would also be best if you can have the support of your loved ones.

Here is a very good example. As mentioned earlier, further investigation is needed to evaluate the business ideas that you have in your hands. Starting a business from scratch requires a lot of work. Suppose the business that you’re about to put up is also available in franchise, which business idea will you choose?

For the smart entrepreneurs, they will already go for franchising because it requires less work. An established business undertaking is less expensive and less risky. But before you make a final decision, you must be able to weigh all the advantages as well as disadvantages. This is an essential part of choosing the best business idea.

Once you’ve chosen the right business idea, you can spring it into action. Soon enough, you will gain the financial benefits that you’re dreaming of. Whether you choose to start your own business or go for franchising, the most important thing is to develop goodwill. All the actions of the entrepreneur must be focused in attaining all the objectives of the business.

If you want to become an entrepreneur, you must research all the business ideas that you can get online. The internet can help you a lot. Also, don’t forget to develop the needed traits and skills as an entrepreneur.

You can get many resources through the internet or you can talk to an established entrepreneur so that you will have an idea on what you’re about to undertake.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Fwd: Sistem Trading Forex Otomatis Menggunakan Zulutrade (NEW)

Salam Sukses,



Kami menawarkan bantuan bagi anda yang ingin berinvestasi di forex trading dengan sistem automated trading, suatu sistem trading otomatis yang sangat revolusioner (pertama di dunia). Automated trading (bukan managed account) memungkinkan anda untuk bisa trading secara otomatis dengan mengkopi system trading para professional trader yang tersedia, anda bisa memilihnya sesuai dengan kriteria anda. Automated trading ini juga menguntungkan anda dari segi waktu, anda tidak perlu menatap chart di layar anda bejam-jam dan anda bisa melakukan aktivitas lainnya. Dengan kata lain uang yang bekerja untuk anda.


Automated trading yang kami tawarkan menggunakan platform zulutrade yang terhubung ke terminal MT4 broker anda. Zulutrade menghubungkan: Signal Provider - Broker - Trader (anda). Ketika Signal Provider (seseorang/robot(EA)) membuka posisi pada platform MT4 nya maka secara otomatis trader yang menggunakan jasanya (menjadi followernya) otomatis melakukan hal yang sama dengan yang dilakukan Signal Provider (SP) baik loss maupun profit  yang diperoleh juga akan sama dengan Signal Provider yang anda ikuti. Broker yang dipakai SP dan broker yang dipakai follower trader tidak harus sama, karena broker yang menggunakan layanan zulutrade bisa di akses / di hubungkan ke MT4 broker manapun yang tergabung di dalam layanan automated trading.


Ada ribuan trader yang bestatus top traders maupun looser traders di zulutrade sehingga anda bisa memilih yang terbaik untuk anda. Untuk menghindari loss, anda punya akses penuh ke account anda, account bisa di setting dengan sesuai dana anda sehingga save trading dan profitable trading bisa anda dapatkan.


Di sistem ini keuntungan atau profit 100% milik anda, tidak ada sharing profit seperti pada umumnya managed account. Signal provider mendapatkan keuntungan dari broker berupa rebate dari broker yang digunakan. Dan layanan ini sepenuhnya gratis untuk para trader tanpa dipungut biaya apapun untuk menggunakan layanan ini. Inilah keuntungan anda, bisa melihat semua posisi yang dibuka oleh para professional trader sehingga anda bisa mengkopi secara manual maupun secara otomatis dengan menjadi follower SP tersebut. Kontrol sepenuhnya ada di tangan anda (trader/investor), akses ke kabinet di broker, pemilihan broker, settingan lot, dan yang lainya ada di tangan anda sendiri. Signal provider hanya akan meneruskan open position nya dalam waktu instant ke MT4 anda melalui zulutrade. Sebagai trader/investor anda dapat memonitor account anda secara live dan bisa juga mengintervensi posisi yang ada.


Trading otomatis ini mudah penggunaanya dan settingannya, dan mayoritas broker besar dunia juga bergabung dengan layanan zulutrade ini. Jika anda telah memiliki account di broker lain yang telah bekerjasama dengan Zulutrade, anda tinggal menghubungkannya dengan sistem Automated Trading yang disediakan oleh Zulutrade.


Untuk mencoba ZuluTrade Free Demo account :


Untuk membuka real account :


Settingan lot size bisa diatur ke micro, namun demikian kami sarankan minimal  $500 untuk memulai trading di zulutrade ketika anda siap dan sudah memahami sistemnya. Jika anda belum paham kami sangat menyarankan anda bias coba demonya terlebih dahulu.


Saat ini Sistem Automated Trading Zulutrade sudah terhubung dengan 30 broker besar dunia, anda bebas memilih menggunakan broker mana saja yang anda sukai. Kami hanya menyarankan anda menggunakan broker AAAFX ( untuk trading dengan micro account, atau FXOPEN Indonesia ( dan ALPARI ( untuk trading dengan standar account karena kemudahan dalam deposit dan penarikan dana melalui bank lokal.


Untuk bantuan langkah-langkahnya anda bisa hubungi kami melalui email atau live chat di Gtalk atau YM




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