Demand is rising among small businesses for outsourced bookkeeping and accounting support. Take advantage of this hot opportunity by owning a Supporting Strategies franchise.
As connectivity spans the globe, new users will improve inefficient markets, systems and behavior, and affluent markets will tap advanced technology, says Google's executive chairman.
Each year we pick the ideas, companies, applications and inventions that have amazed us with their unique solutions to common problems or marketplace voids, executed in forms both ultra-high-tech and strikingly simple.
Tory Burch defined entrepreneur not as a job title, but a state of mind during her 2014 commencement address, telling graduates that achievement requires good old fashioned tenacity and hard work.
During her commencement speech at City Colleges of Chicago, Facebook's COO told graduates to lean in even on days when they feel like hanging back and remaining quiet.
Each year we pick the ideas, companies, applications and inventions that have amazed us with their unique solutions to common problems or marketplace voids, executed in forms both ultra-high-tech and strikingly simple.
Are you a controller, innovator, nurturer, or 'systemizer?' Determining your brain type can help you recognize and address the blind spots holding you back from your true potential.
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